
Get more
your Y membership

We’re making it even more fun to work toward your goals with Y Rewards! Score some YMCA apparel, earn discounts on programs, and more. Discover all the ways your YMCA membership just got more rewarding!


Senior Punch Cards

Regular aerobic activity can prevent many of the health problems that develop with age. For our senior members, visiting the Y at least twice a week is even more rewarding!

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Jump Start Card

Get active and get rewarded! Bringing variety into your fitness regime is one of the best ways to stay engaged and consistent with your workouts. With the Jump Start Card, you earn rewards while discovering all the Y has to offer.

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a Friend

  1. Receive a $20 membership discount when a friend or family member joins the Y at the front desk and names you as the person who referred them. Referred member must be active for 90 days before membership discount is applied.

  2. Contact Heather Sabin, Member Experience Director, at [email protected] with your employer’s name and the most appropriate contact person at your business. If a corporate wellness program is activated with 5 or more new members, you’ll receive a free month!

12 Visits
in a Month

Get rewarded for doing what you already love to do – coming to the Y! Beginning on the 1st of each month, if you visit the Y at least 12 times, you’ll receive a 10% off discount good for programs and apparel.

Discount will be sent via email and will expire 30 days from date of delivery. Cannot be combined with other discounts or offers. Nationwide or virtual check-ins do not count toward total.