The St. Cloud Area Family YMCA is hosting the Y’s annual Healthy Kids Day® on April 20 at 1:00 p.m. This free, annual event features a variety of family-friendly activities to encourage healthy kids, healthy families and a healthy start to the summer season.
In celebration of this annual kick-off to summer, we are sharing a list of five activities that we encourage you to introduce to your kids. The goal is to have them try something new by promoting a variety of opportunities to get involved in active play – hopefully, this will inspire a lifetime love of physical and mental activity! Share these activities with your children and inspire them to “find their fun” by discovering an activity that they love.
Find Your Stride with the Bernick’s Family Fitness Series.
In 2011, Bernick’s partnered with the St. Cloud Area Family YMCA to bring the Bernick’s Family Fitness Series to Central Minnesota. The Bernick’s Family Fitness Series features four unique family fun races throughout the year. The best part? Each race is only $5 per racer! Learn more about this race series at
Find your Adventure with Y Summer Camp
Summer is a time for kids to explore new things and expand the limits of their imagination. At The St. Cloud Area Family YMCA, every day is a new adventure! With a variety of educational field trips and a ton of activities with new friends, many kids find their ADVENTURE with the Y. Visit to learn more about Summer Adventure Camp.
Find Your Swimming Skills with Y Swim Lessons
The Y has been teaching kids to swim for over 100. Swim lessons at the St. Cloud Area Family YMCA help children find their CONFIDENCE as they learn how to stay safe in and around the water. Visit to learn more about Y swim lessons.
Find Your Family Time with Family Nights
Make lifelong memories during Family Nights at the YMCA. This new program features expanded open swim time, reserved gym space for play, and Rock Wall climbing with all equipment provided for kids 5 and older. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday night is your chance to take your family time to the next level at the Y. Learn more about Family Nights at
Find Your Passion with Youth Sports
Youth sports are just the start of something bigger–, aside from teaching fundamental skills, they also teach the value of teamwork, help fuel determination, and build character. At The St. Cloud Area Family YMCA, we have a variety sports programs to help keep children active while igniting their PASSION for something greater. Visit one of the sports pages below to learn more. Visit to learn more about Youth Sports at the Y!